The weather in Indonesia is very humid which can cause things to rust and mold very quickly, like cupboards, iron tools, leather chairs, etc. Also dust and spider webs accumulate quickly if the home is not attended to regularly.
JASA EKA LEGAL with the cleaning service team is happy to solve this problem. We offer cleaning service for your property, starting from IDR 1.000.000 per month (including material and product). Our service area is Nusa Dua and Jimbaran. Please fill in the form below to apply for this service.
Regular cleaning; similar to maid service.
This service is usefull because you will pay less than cost of recruiting household helpers. Leave the cleaning of your property over to us, you will not be stressed or worried about your property. We will keep your place maintained, clean and tidy, so you will have no stresses over worrying about your property.
NIB 0274010021554