Establish a professional business address for your company in Bali prime location Nusa Dua and bring down your operational costs. A business address must be located in an official registered office, forbidden in a residential address. Virtual Office with access to meeting room on demand and desk space during office hours. A solution for PMA and local enterprises, digital nomads and consultants. They all can register their business address without renting a traditional office. The logo of your company will be displayed at the entrance. Jasa Eka Legal can arrange the official registration of your company (PMA/PT) and work permit.
Jasa Eka Legal virtual address and office is located in Nusa Dua in a walled resort with meeting possibilities at the swimming pool and High-speed internet access. Amenities located in the neighbourhood are shopping malls, the international airport, golf courses, the Bali Internationale Convention Centre. Nearby tropical beached of Pandawa beach, Mengiat beach and Jimbaran beach known for its famous seafood market, beautiful sunset and candle-lit seafood dinners on the beach. All assets to organise a meeting with clients.