
International Driving Licence

Rp 1,500,000

An International Driving Permit is a licence to drive a vehicle that is valid internationally with a driving licence that is valid in the country that issues the International Driving Licence. International Driving Licence is valid in 92 countries that comply with/recognize, sign, succeed and ratify the 1968 Vienna Convention [Source: United Nation Treaty Collection on Road Traffic Convention Agreements (treaties.un.org).

1. Color photograph (white background)
2. KTP + KITAP (if foreigner)
3. Indonesian passport
4. Local Driving Licence
5. Digital Signature
6. Previeus International Driving Licence (if extension)

Validity: 3 years

The institution that issues international Licence in Indonesia is the National Police (POLRI), based on Law No. 22 of 2009 concerning road traffic and transportation and Government Regulation No. 60 of 2016 concerning Types and Tariffs for Types of Non-Tax State Revenues that apply to the National Police starting on 6 January 2017.